The Holy Bible
What makes the Bible Holy? The Holy Bible King James Version is made up of 31,102 verses. These verses are filled with wisdom, comfort and good advice. But those are not what makes the Bible Holy. What makes it a Holy Bible, is that it contains Words of eternal life and truth.

The above three scriptures define the Holy Bible as being words that reveal the only true God and Jesus Christ whom he sent. We believe there is only one Holy Bible that fits that description and that’s the 1611 King James Bible, all the other modern-day English translations fall short.
Most people don’t know that in 1400 and 1500 century England it was a crime, punishable by death, for anyone to speak or write the Bible in English. Thousands were burned at the stake for violating that crime. The Short video “The Story of the King James Bible” will give you a new appreciation for the Holy Bible. The other video about “King James Bible vs Other Bible Versions” reveals how much the newer English version has been changed from the original 1611 King James Bible. After watching the short videos below you will clearly understand why the 1611 King James Bible is the only true “Holy Bible”